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About Facilitate AI project

Project title: “Facilitate AI: Guidelines for facilitating the learning of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by School Students of Grades 7-12”

The FACILITATE AI European project is approved and co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA2 programme, with an implementation period of two years (February 2022- January 2023). The objective of the FACILITATE-AI project is to support school teachers (facilitators of learning) in developing an inquiry-based and evidence-based understanding of the complexities and principles of AI. This includes creative thinking involved in algorithms and how these concepts can be incorporated into students’ educational journey to enhance creative problem solving and adaptability to change, all through a STEAME interdisciplinary approach.


Facilitate-AI observatory


Cyprus Mathematical Society – Cyprus
DOUKAS School – Greece
Prof. Ivan Apostolov Private English Language School – Bulgaria
Instituto Politecnico Do Porto – Portugal
ITC Pacle Morante Limbiate – Italy
Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA) – Greece
Universitatea Spiru Haret – Romania
Plovdivski Universitet Paisiy Hilendarski – Bulgaria